After a very long, intense, six-day journey with three dogs and four cats, we made it to Michigan from California! That is a trip that we don’t recommend anyone takes UNLESS they’re able to travel in an RV. But, by God’s grace, we all made it safe and sound and without going BALD 😉
Our new home is really beautiful! Our little house is one of three houses that sit on a shared, private road. It’s very quiet and peaceful here. It’s also home to MANY critters, from raccoons to deer to chipmunks to squirrels and even WILD TURKEYS! The turkeys and the chipmunks are the ones that the squirrels and other birds have to look out for, though…LOL. When they’re around and eating, they defend their eating ground and chase off the squirrels. It has been fun to watch and provides many laughs for us.
Our property sits on 16 acres with about 15 of those acres being WOODS that are FILLED with a variety of trees such as Aspens, Maples, Birch, Oak, and Pine (there could be more than that, this is what we’ve noticed so far). In between the trees live many ferns, wildflowers and other foliage. Now that it’s Fall, the colors emerging are breathtaking! What a sight!
This property with all of its space, quietness, and peacefulness is presently missing one thing: A fence for the dogs. And, it’s something that we won’t be able to put up until next year when the weather gets better. So, this means that all pups that come over for dog boarding will not be able to run off-leash unless they are exceptional at staying under voice command and line of sight at all times. Otherwise, all dog exercise will be leash-only.
Well, guess that’s about it for now. If you’d like to board your pup with us, check out the requirements first, which are listed on our Dog Boarding page. If your pup meets all the requirements, feel free to call/text Jessie at (530) 867-5727, or shoot her an email, whichever you prefer.
California KYPSAH Friends: We miss and love you so much! We’re so grateful for technology where we can keep in touch easier with pictures and videos! Keep ’em coming, PLEASE 🙂
Happy Fall weather, Everyone!