Just an FYI that skating isn’t done in the rain of any kind. Skating will continue throughout the fall and winter months provided the weather condition, for that day, is conducive for skating.
If you have any questions, just let us know at [email protected].
More videos will be coming of this type of dog exercise where you will be able to see Jessie skating with the pack. This particular video was shot by Jessie for the purpose of sending the video via text to her clients. Therefore, this video shot serves as an example of the type of videos she works hard to record for the owners of the dogs that she’s caring for.
Keeping clients informed using technology is something that KYPSAH works hard at doing. And, we do it for FREE! Jessie will be the first person to tell you that she treats her clients the way that she (as a fellow pet owner who absolutely adores her animals) would want to be treated.