Spotlight: Groomer, Cassandra Torda of Fur Friend-Z

Spotlight: Groomer, Cassandra Torda of Fur Friend-Z

Lanai and I were at Fur Friend-Z today.  It was time to get Lanai bathed again (I have to bathe her myself) and ran into a very sweet groomer by the name of Cassandra Torda and her mother (I didn’t catch her name though).

Cassandra was busy working on a cute little pup when Lanai and I arrived.  She and I got to talking about dogs, our love for dogs (of course, everyone who knows us, The Riggs, knows we love all pets!) and rescuing animals.  She’s a very sweet girl!   Her mother was also very sweet and stopped to talk to me as I was washing Lanai 🙂

When Lanai and I were finished getting her coat nice and shiny again (she was brown and now she’s back to being her bright white self again…this will last maybe a day if I’m lucky), I was noticing that the pup Cassandra was handling was very content and Cassandra was calm and happy, too.  It was great to see neither of them were stressed in the least!

We know a few groomers and wanted to make sure to get the word out that we met another awesome one today!  Cassandra works at Fur Friend-Z and her number is (530) 661-6080.

[pullquote_right]Give her a ring if you need your pet groomed!  [/pullquote_right]